
The Magazine Committee of the College is headed and coordinated by Rev. Dr. J. Angelo, SDB, Principal. It is composed of Editor-in-Chief, Mrs. G. Leelavathi, Assistant Professor of English and other ten faculty members. The function of this committee is to take decisions on the matters concerning publications by staff and students. The committee meets thrice a year in the month of August, November and February.


(a) To provide a platform to every student to express themselves through various forms of writing like research articles, comments on current topics, literary/creative writing,

(b) To encourage freedom of expression, and

(c) To provide a medium for exchange of thoughts and information.

At the end of every academic year, the College Magazine is published which is a truly literary and creative document of the talents of our staff and students. It accumulates and edits articles and papers contributed by students, researchers and staff for publishing in the College Magazine. It also provides a panoramic view of the cultural, academic, sports and literary activities and achievements of the College during that academic year.

The responsibilities of the committee are as follows:

(a) To raise resources for publication of the magazine,

(b) To receive the articles/reports from the students/staff and edit the same,

(c) To ensure that no reports/articles objectionable in nature are published,

(d) To arrange to have photographs of staff and students required for the magazine on every event of the College and on the farewell day, and

(e) To get the magazine printed by the end of March and distribute the same to students and staff.


S.No. Members
1. Rev. Dr. J. Angelo, SDB (Coordinator)
2. G. Leelavathi
3. M. Xavier Denies
4. D. Ramkumar
5. N. Senthil Kumar
6. K. Sekar
7. M. Suresh
8. R. Murugesan
9. R. Ranjithkumar
10. C. Jayakumar


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